Friday, January 10, 2020

9 January 2020 – Benidoleig Seguili

Great to meet up with everyone again after the festive break
This one starts with a short brisk climb, just to warm everyone up
Then a long haul up a steep road to the mirador
By then everyone had warmed up enough to remove at least one layer of clothing 
Good to have David back after a few months in the UK
His job as back marker was in dispute between Barry and John
However the “naughty girls” were pleased to have their most devoted admirer back
The next part of the walk is through a dense woods
We missed the warmth of the sun
And had to keep moving to keep warm
We also had a very short banana break
But once out of the woods we could again enjoy the warmth of the sun
We then had a short break to compensate for our shortened banana break
And to prepare for the second, and steeper, road climb
And at last our scenic lunch break
The remainder of the walk was downhill
With a final stop at the second mirador
This one was in the sun and we had a break to take advantage of it
The final section requires a little care
Lovely walk much improved by excellent company
Time taken 5 hours
Distance 11 km
Total ascent 551 metres

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