Saturday, May 30, 2020

30 May 2020 – Lockdown Day 82

We have now adjusted to Level 1 of Lockdown, which allows us to walk together from the house, shop at any supermarket, visit bars and meet up to 10 people.
On Monday we move to Level 2.    This will allow us to drive to the start of a walk, sit inside bars and meet up to 15 people.   This will effectively end Lockdown, at least as far as Jan and I are concerned.  

From Monday we could start the walking groups again, providing we kept the numbers down to 15 per walk.  We could even end the walk at a local bar.

However we have yet to visit a bar, let alone meet with 10 people there.   Apart from one shopping trip to Benissa I have not used the car.   As “elderly at risk” we are advised to maintain isolation and avoid any contact. 

Despite the above we have had quite a pleasant week.   We walk each day, but because of the higher temperatures tend to do so early morning.   Unfortunately it is too hot to do our planned recce walks.   However it is nice to be able to have our meals outside and to be able to get out when we want. 

We are very aware of the risks and the still very high daily deaths and new infections.   The official daily stats have come under attack and are no longer published in the two Facebook sites we rely on for information.   Having relied on these stats since the start of the crisis it is unsettling not being able to do so anymore.

As we gradually emerge from Lockdown the situation is very confusing and we find it easier to remain in our local area and wait to see how things develop.  

We posted our tenth, and last, lockdown video this week.  They were never intended to be a permanent thing, rather an attempt to keep some sort of contact with our walking groups.  We would have finished our walks this week anyway for the summer break.  So this seemed an appropriate time to stop the videos.   If you would like to see the latest one you will find it here

This will also be the last Lockdown blog.  

Hopefully we will be able to resume our normal walk programme in October, and if so details of each walk will appear here as usual.

We wish all of our friends a safe and enjoyable summer and hope to see you all again soon.

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