Tuesday, March 24, 2020

19 March 2020 – Lockdown Day 7

Wednesday 18 March                             
Another cold and overcast day here in Spain, and as so often happens they have been having much better weather in the UK.   The weather is almost as depressing as the new life style we are becoming used to.   It is so unusual to have a long run of cold and wet weather at this time of year, and the forecast is for more of the same for the next seven days.   It feels like even the weather is against us.

Everything on the UK TV and in the newspapers is about the crisis, and how hard done by they are over there.   At present they have been advised to keep out of bars and cafes, but many seem to be ignoring that advice.   There is no restriction on movement nor leisure activity.   From here it seems they have it pretty easy.   The number of new contacts and deaths are increasing, but still well below Spain, France and Germany.   So I can understand why so many seem to be ignoring the advice.   But I do think it is ill advised, and I hope that they will not come to regret it in a week or two.

It is also depressing that there are constant reminders that over 70s are particularly vulnerable.   I am 75 and Jan is 71.   Neither of us feel either old or vulnerable.   Both of us are probably fitter than many 50-60 year olds.   But of course I understand that your ability to fight the virus gets less as you grow older.  And I also appreciate that most deaths are in the 70 plus age range.   So we accept that we have to be more careful and avoid all possible outside contact.

We live on the outskirts of Parcent, and walk in the surrounding area most days.  Even before the Lockdown it was unusual to see anyone else.   Even more so now.   So it is annoying that it is against the law for us to go for even a short walk, not even on our own.
Thursday 19 March
Jan commented that our household waste is getting out of control.   We don’t have a waste collection from the house here in Parcent.   There are a lot of large communal waste bins, which are emptied most days.   And we usually take our kitchen waste out each day in the car and drop it off at one of the bins.   We keep the larger “green waste” and take it to the special bins each Friday on our way to Calpe for our weekly shop.   Obviously we have not done either this week, because we have not left the house.

This morning we received an email from the town hall confirming that the weekly bulk rubbish collection was suspended whilst Lockdown is in place.   This prompted me to reply and ask if we were allowed to take our household waste to the nearest bin.  We are still waiting for a reply.

We also raised the same question on Facebook and got more than 40 replies.   Almost all were already doing so, which prompted us to do the same.   Jan has spent the last few days pottering around the garden, when it was not raining.   I had spent all week inside the house.  So she agreed that I could do the first rubbish disposal run.

It takes about 15 minutes to walk from the house to the nearest bin, a 30 minute return journey.  I neither met, nor saw, anyone else at all.   So I neither risked spreading or catching the virus.   However I did wash my hands immediately I returned to the house, and did so for two slow “happy birthday”.

It was great to get out in the fresh air, even for such a relatively short time.   And in future Jan and I will take turns to dispose of the household waste.

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